Friday, February 27, 2015

Python: Copy Folder or Files using password (sudo)

Following code can be used to copy Folder or Files using sudo with password.

   def copyFolderOrFile(self, sourcePath, destinationPath):  
       sudoPassword = 'password_of_user_having_sudo_rights'  
         command="cp -R "+sourcePath+" "+destinationPath  
         os.system('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % (sudoPassword, command))  
         print "Directory Copied Sucessfully"  
       except OSError as exc:  
         if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:  
           command="cp "+sourcePath+" "+destinationPath  
           os.system('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % (sudoPassword, command))  
           print "File Copied Sucessfully"  
           print('Directory/File not copied. Error: %s' % exc)  

More suggestion are always welcome. In case if you wish me to write about any specific scenario, please feel free to write to me or else you can Comment below.